
 杭州画室   2021-09-08 07:39   211 人阅读  0 条评论


















  When out of the blue the word lanshouxianggu began trending on Chinese social-networking sites, many internet users were left scratching their heads. 当“蓝瘦香菇”这个词突然在中国的社交网络火起来时,许多网民还摸不清头脑。

  Lanshouxianggu literally means blue thin chestnut mushroom but it made no sense to users. In case you are wondering what the whole fuss is about, a company in Shenzhen registered its name as blue thin chestnut mushroom, or lanshouxianggu, on Oct 13. “蓝瘦香菇”字面上的意思是蓝色细瘦的栗蘑,但是这对网友来说解释不通。也许你正在想这是什么轰动的事儿,一家深圳公司13日已将其名字注册为“蓝瘦香菇”。

  Just to make it more confusing, the company's main business includes equipment manufacturing, trade and engineering. 更让人困惑的是,这家公司的主要业务包括装备制造、贸易和工程。

  It's not the first time that internet memes have been registered as trademarks. 这不是网络用语第一次被注册为商标了。

  On Aug 8, Chinese female swimmer Fu Yuanhui said "I've been using honghuangzhili" indicating she had used up all her strength, the word went viral. Honghuangzhili, which means pre-historical force, was registered as trademark two days later. 8月8日,中国女子游泳运动员傅园慧说“我已经使出洪荒之力”暗示她已经用尽了力气。洪荒之力的意思是史前力量。这个词在网上走红,两天后被注册为商标。

  On Aug 29, Wang Jianlin, China's property tycoon, said "You have to set a small goal like making 100 million first" in a TV show which the internet on fire. Zhuantayigeyi, or making 100 million, was registered as a trademark a week later. 8月29日,中国地产大亨王健林在电视节目中说“你先定一个能达到的小目标,比如挣它一个亿”,这句话在网上大火。一周后“挣它一个亿”被注册为商标。

  The reference to lanshouxianggu comes from a video clip that went viral where a young man in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, complains to his girlfriend with in Mandarin but with his strong local accent. “蓝瘦香菇”这个梗来自一段爆红网络的视频。视频中,一个来自广西壮族自治区南宁市的小伙儿用带着浓浓口音的普通话抱怨他的女友。

  In the video, he cries out lanshouxianggu repeatedly in local accent, which in fact means upset (lanshou) and wanna cry (xianggu). 他带着口音反复地哭喊“蓝瘦香菇”,其意思实际上是难受(蓝瘦)想哭(香菇)。

  His accent and lyrical tone gave the video a vibe of humor and swept social media immediately. People photoshopped his sad face on a blue small mushroom image. 他的口音和充满感情的调调让这段视频透着一股幽默,迅速席卷了社交媒体。人们将他悲伤的脸PS到一个蓝色的小蘑菇图片上。

  Some websites with more scientific bent of mind, such as, China's premiere popular science website, did discover the fact that blue mushrooms do exist in the nature and were not merely magic of photoshop. 一些更具科学精神的网站,例如中国最受欢迎的科学网站果壳网,确实发现自然界中存在蓝蘑菇的事实,而不仅仅是P图的魔力。

  Meet Entoloma hochstetteri, or sky blue mushroom, a kind of blue fungus whose stem's diameter is just 5 millimeter. It was first discovered in New Zealand. 霍氏粉褶菌也叫天蓝蘑菇,是一种蓝色菌类,其茎部的直径仅为5毫米。首次发现于新西兰。

  The country even selected the image of the blue mushroom on its banknote with face value of NZ$50 to show the nature diversity in the country. In 2002, New Zealand post even released a commemorative stamp. 新西兰甚至在面值为50新币的纸币上选用了这种蓝色蘑菇的形象,以展现其自然物种多样性。2002年,该国还发行了一张纪念邮票。

  And for foodies who want to eat it: no, it is not edible and most species of this kind are poisonous. 对于想要吃它的吃货来说这是不行的,天蓝蘑菇不可食用,大部分这类香菇都是有毒的。

  Are you lanshouxianggu now 你现在“蓝瘦香菇”吗?

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